6 questions for Mandy Eyles

Mandy Eyles, General Manager, D+TC
1. What gets you up in the morning?
A double latte placed very quietly on the side-table.
2. What are you most excited about in the digital and tech space?
Invisible technology: truly AI-enabled experiences
3. If you were a piece of technology, what would you be?
A Google home – need something I will find it for you!
Or a cone of silence for the open-plan workspace.
4. What's your favourite quote/proverb/saying/mantra?
Be bold, be fearless, most of all be kind.
Have a big vision, celebrate every tiny step, change tact where you need too. Take time out to pause and reflect, be inquisitive, change your point of view and never stop learning.
5. Music: what's at the top of your playlist?
Today it’s coming from Apple radio: Lorde, Sam Smith, Avicii, Hailee Steinfeld & Alesso. And my go to is always Fleetwood Mac!
6. Look into your crystal ball - what do you see?
A long and lovely summer break, with family, friends and lots of chardonnay.
But also, getting ready for a rocking 2018 with the launch of D+TC monthly events, bringing Digiday events to Australia, the release of Digital Professional Capability Standards, plus the launch of a brand new AMY Awards program to celebrate the best of the best!