6 Questions with Nick Agidbashyan

1. What gets you up in the morning?
The smell of black coffee and working in the innovation world at the start of the third industrial revolution.
2. What are you most excited about in the digital and tech space?
I'm very excited to see voice user interface push forward over the next year as the price of Google home has dropped. It's just a matter of waiting for more companies to add their services and I'm sure it's going to blow up.. not literally.
3. If you were a piece of technology, what would you be?
The Terminator with LinkedIn upgrades and a kind heart.
4. What's your favourite quote/proverb/saying/mantra?
"He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat."
- Napoleon Boneparte
5. Music: what's at the top of your playlist?
Lovelee Dae - Amine Edge & DANCE
6. Look into your crystal ball - what do you see?
Closer to home I see a positive future for razzbri, building on our great start in Sydney and the last nine years in New Zealand. I'm confident we will become the leader in full-service digital talent consulting in A/NZ and South Africa in the near future.