6 questions with Matt Hunt

Matt Hunt, Geronimo CEO & Founder
1. What gets you up in the morning?
An awesome team and set of clients that are all working together to create better companies and solutions for customers.
2. What are you most excited about in the digital and tech space?
Super-fast internet for all Australians which will unlock the Internet of Things. I think Amazon's entry into Australia is going to be an extraordinary opportunity for people and brands.
3. If you were a piece of technology, what would you be?
That's easy - I'd be an iPhone XS. The iphone has built a loyal following through delivering a good experience for it's customers - simple & reliable.
4. What's your favourite quote/proverb/saying/mantra?
There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs!
5. Music: what's at the top of your playlist?
Duo Lipa - anything by her
6. Look into your crystal ball - what do you see?
Geronimo being ranked as one of Australia's best places to work!